Sunday 6th April 2025
21km Half Marathon, 12km Adults, 12km Kids, 5km Adults, 5km Kids
Entries Open: Opened 30th December 2024
Entries Close: 6th April 2025
Explore a mixture of native, forestry, and MTB trails as you navigate your way around Whangarei's most popular offroad running routes.
The BDO Parihaka Trail Run is the second event in the Sport Northland Run/Walk Series and the first half marathon in the Conbrio Half Marathon Series.
Join us as we showcase some of Whangarei's most popular landmarks, including Otuihau, also known as Whangarei Falls, which is where your journey begins. This majestic 26-meter waterfall cascades over basalt cliffs (formed over 2 million years ago) into an enticing pool at its base. This waterfall is known as one of New Zealand's most "photogenic.” Participants will then navigate the winding trails of Parihaka, an ancient volcano. The Parihaka Scenic Reserve was once reputedly the site of the largest pā in New Zealand. It contains the visible remains of fortified settlements, including three pā sites, housing terraces, storage pits, and defensive palisades along its ridgeline. Participants will conclude their journey where it all began, at Otuihau.
VIPs get 20% off entry for any of the distances at the BDO Parihaka Trail Run on Sunday 7th April.
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