Urban fringe
Undulating, some big hills
Dog Friendly
Native bush
Open farmlands
Farm Road / 4WD Track
Easy Single Track
Technical Single Track
Average Uphill Gradient: +5.2%
Average Downhill Gradient: -5.2%
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Exit the Redoubt Road carpark next to the toilet block and run down a gravel track to the Mountain Bike Park access on the left. Cross the cattle grid and follow the winding trail down to the next cattle grid. Cross the little bridge and run straight up the trail ahead (DIC).
This trail winds in and out of a Manuka grove. Eventually you'll be spat out on to the main two-way trail. Follow this to the MTB Hub. Pass through the hub and head on to Pony Express Track and follow this meandering trail up through farmland, down through bush trails over cattle grids and bridges etc.
You'll enter a section of trail which gives you a hard or easy option....keep left and go hard, watch out for the tree roots and then keep left to continue on the Pony Express trail (else you'll end up looping in the Challenge track).
Continue winding in and out of the farmland, bush and pine trees. You'll eventually come to a junction where you can go right to finish the Pony Express, we turn left down the trail until we reach a wooden gate at a paddock. Enter the paddock and follow the trail across to the next gate. Turn left into the MTB trail and zig zag around the trail towards the horse centre at the top of the hill. There's a picnic table up here so stand and admire the views.
Continue up to the fence line and join Anaconda!
Take the left trail up through the pine trees then down into the valley. You cross a gravel trail and continue on Anaconda with some farmland and a sweeping bush trail passing through cabbage trees and the like.
Eventually, you are spat out on the main Totara Park roadway opposite the playground. Go left and follow the trail all the way up to the Waitere Road car park, do a lap of the car park and head down the concrete pathway towards the toilets.
Hang a right down the brick stairs and across the main gravel roadway and into the bush to follow the Puhinui stream trail. Keep right and then you'll have the stream on your right as you run through beautiful ponga and past waterfalls etc. You'll eventually reach a steep staircase of about 100 stairs, follow them up and just keep following the trail keeping to the right.
Eventually after some ups and downs you'll come out on the main Park Roadway, turn right up the hill, go through the gate then go through the gate on the left next to the playground. Run down this trail, over the bridge then turn right and run until the wooden bridge on right. Then up the stairs.
At the top continue on the trail until you see another set of stairs up to the right. You pass by a paddock on the left. Up to a gate and across the off-leash dog area. Turn left on to the bridal way and follow until a gate where you turn left.
As you reach the end of the Totara trees take the little gate to the left, run up the summit and then back down again, join the bridal way and continue up to the carpark.
Great views of the Manukau harbour and rolling countryside
Toilet block at start and at halfway too.
Parking is popular with MTB's. Public transport to the bottom carpark Waitere Road, close to the botanical gardens if you want to park there and run through using the other end of the Puhinui Stream trail
23 km
29 minutes
Perfect throughout.
Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map
Water is available at toilet blocks. If you have water treatment options wth you, then you have access to the creek.
Trails can get a bit gnarlier in the bush after heavy rain as they get washed out and tree debris covers steps.
Be careful of the tree roots.
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For anyone who thinks this is too similar to the other Totara Park trails in the directory, it's not. I found myself on 2 separate new (to me) trails, with some sweet flowing single-track in the mountain bike park, and started at a different carpark to usual. Being Saturday afternoon I was a little concerned when I came across a sign on the Anaconda track advising that walkers/runners should take a bypass and this trail didn't do this. Thankfully I encountered no bikers while on this short section. I didn't see the point of looping the Wairere Road carpark, nor heading up towards the summit, without going to the top though. The description says to go up the summit, but the gpx stays on the access road!
October 19
These overlap with this trail to some degree. You may wish to combine them but please note that to qualify for FKTs on these runs you should record a separate activity for each.