Last Updated: 24th Nov 2024


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I've done it Done

Puhinui Stream Forest Trail

Manukau, Auckland

Submitted by Luke Gillies

Last Updated: 24th Nov 2024


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I've done it Done


Grunt Factor: 5 ?

Gnarl Factor: 13 ?








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Type of Run



Undulating, small hills only

Dog Friendly

Native bush

Run Makeup


Gravel Road

Easy Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +4.6%

Average Downhill Gradient: -4.8%

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This run is great Auckland urban hot weather option as you are under a dense canopy 90% of the time
It starts from the carpark, take the bridal trail on the right hand side of the carpark for 200m until you arrive at the entrance to the Puhinui Stream Forest Trail on your right. Follow the single track until you arrive at a large set of steps on your left, go up the stairs or alternatively there is a switchback trail to the right of the stairs. Either way you arrive in the same place at the top.

Continue until you are about 1.5kms into the run and you arrive back on the bridal trail, exit the track and go uphill on the bridal trail for 200m. Go straight through the 1st gate and take a left through the 2nd gate down past the playground.  From here you are back on single trail, the next 1/2km there are alot of side tracks so pay careful attention to the signage. Once you have crossed the bridge over the stream and gone up the killer stairs you are half way and from here the track loops back to the start.

This run can be repeated to add distance or the park offers about 25-30 kms of other tracks to make up a longer run. It is easy to blast this run on the fast fully runnable highly maintained tracks but I suggest to take time to absorb the diversity of the bush.

For being surrounded by urban South Auckland,Totara Park - and specifically this trail - has a dense concentration of native trees and active birdlife.
Totara Park is a neighbour and shares some tracks with the Auckland Botanical Gardens.

The native bush at Totara Park is an example of the rich variety of vegetation that once covered the south Auckland area. Large native tree species include pūriri, tōtara, rimu, taraire, tawa, kahikatea and kauri. Along the trails many specimens are labelled for easy identification. You will find māpou, māhoe, thick clusters of nĪkau palms and tree ferns. Lower down, kawakawa, putaputawētā and mingimingi can be found. The bush floor supports many types of ferns, mosses and fungi. Vines of puawānanga, a native clematis provide profuse displays of white starry flowers on treetops in spring. The network of streams throughout the farm park are being replanted with native species as part of an ongoing regeneration programme.
Totara Park is home to a variety of bird habitats. Amongst the native bush you may hear or see pigeon (kererū), shining cuckoo, morepork, fantail, grey warbler, tūı and kākā. The open pasture is home to pheasant, harrier hawk, pipit , yellowhammer, chaffinch and starling. Near streambeds or wetlands you may see pūkeko, kingfisher mallard duck, pied shags black shags

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Large carpark with plenty of parking is available at the very start of the trail, also bus 366 will get you to 71 Charles Prevost Dr, Manurewa which is 400m from the start of the run.

27 km

28 minutes




This trail is extremely well signposted, although many other tracks merge or separate from this trail if you pay careful attention to signs at intersections you cannot go wrong. If you were to go of course you would find your way back to a main track within minutes

Generally good.

Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map

Water is available from a fountain outside the toilet block opposite the single track entry at the start of the run

Totara park and the Puhinui stream forest trail are highly maintained year round

Cross-fitters interval training on the killer stairs, be extremely careful here, their brand new shoes and Lycra can be quite offensive to the eye. This is generally the only area you will encounter them.

The Good Home
260 Great South Rd, Takanini
Great Pizza/Beer

91 Charles Prevost Dr, The Gardens
Spectacular Fine Italian Cuisine (Open evenings only)

Cafe Miko
Botanical Gardens - 100 Hill Rd, Manurewaé-miko/
Nice coffee in the lovely botanical gardens

Trail Legend

Trent Vannisselroy

Trent Vannisselroy

has completed Puhinui Stream Forest Trail 7 times in the last year.

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Trail Reviews

Great trail - little bit of paradise in suburbia!

Rob Holm

January 22, 2024

Great trail - little bit of paradise in suburbia!

Rob Holm

January 22, 2024

Perfect for a beginner, or a beginner who is returning to trails post injury (like me). Lots and lots of stairs to help build build strength back up. Wonderful under the trees, still a hot run though. However in 27 degree heat, 90% humidity, with no relief from rain, anywhere would have been today.

Kirsten Fryer

February 12, 2022

Good little track. Easy to do a couple of times to get a quick trail run in.

Jasmine MNijel

January 1, 2022

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