Last Updated: 2nd Jan 2024


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I've done it Done

Massey Uni Totara Forest River Loop

North Shore City, Auckland

Submitted by Jason Cordier

Last Updated: 2nd Jan 2024


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I've done it Done

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Grunt Factor: 4 ?

Gnarl Factor: 13 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe


Undulating, small hills only

Native bush


Run Makeup


Sealed Road

Gravel Road

Easy Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +6.2%

Average Downhill Gradient: -6.9%

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Estimated Times to Run







The loop can be run multiple times and is enjoyable. From the end of the top car park at Massey University follow the metal trail down to Bush Road. Cross the road and follow the footpath down Bush Rd until you reach a bridge at the bottom of the hill.

The entrance to the trail is across the road on the uphill side of the river. Be careful crossing the road as cars come flying down the hill. After following the trail along the river you will head up and over a hill. Once back down beside the river again you will come to a ford crossing over the river (three or four metre square concrete slabs crossing the river). Do not take that for this trail run. Rather, take the fork in the trail just before the ford heading up the hill (first time I missed this). Follow the trail along the river again here again until you exit the bush at a bridge. Turn right and follow the path up the hill, then forking right away from the road up a paved hill path. Follow the path into the back of Massey University, down a hill into the staff car park. Once on the Massey Road, head up the hill to the recreation centre to finish or repeat the loop.

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Public transport is available to Massey University Albany. Free car parking is also available.

1 km

4 minutes




While you may lose you way, you can't get lost as taking a wrong turn will result in you landing back on a urban road again from which you can find your way back to Massey's east precinct. The only navigation issue is crossing the ford in error which will push you out into the very back of Massey's science campus.

Generally good.


River water (unadvisable) along the trail. Best place would be tap water before commencing the loop in the recreation centre's changing rooms.

Muddy after rain, prone to flooding after long sustained heavy rains/storms.

Scholars Cafe next to the Massey University Recreation Centre
Massey University Albany

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Trail Reviews

Totally frustrating trail. Not only did I miss the start of the bush track and ran some on the wrong side of the river (this was my fault, but at the time is very easy to miss - there is no break in the roadside barrier to alert people of the track). The January storms have caused damage, and the track now consists of mostly completed boardwalk, and loads of stairs. The river crossing mentioned in the description is a must follow currently as the trail you are meant to follow is well and truly closed. You'll see glimpses of why when running down the other side of the stream! You can't even follow this trail when you reach Albany Highway - there is a giant Fletcher Living development site in the way. A new path has been created on the far side, but you will need to be roadside for a short while. Overall I would also estimate the single track vs sealed road/gravel road as 50% each currently. Running on the bush tracks where it was soft ground (maybe 3/4 of the 50% single track) was enjoyable, but for less than half of the trail, I am not so sure it was worth it!

Kirsten Fryer

November 4, 2023

Nice little run, features some road sections but the trail part is lovely!

Joyce Leevard

July 5, 2020

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