Last Updated: 8th Apr 2024


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I've done it Done

Hagley Perimeter

Christchurch, Canterbury

Submitted by Tony Sharpe

Last Updated: 8th Apr 2024


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I've done it Done


Grunt Factor: 4 ?

Gnarl Factor: 6 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run



Totally/mostly flat

Dog Friendly

Native bush

Plantation/exotic forest


Run Makeup


Sealed Road

Easy Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +0.1%

Average Downhill Gradient: -0.1%

Garmin Course

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Estimated Times to Run







The 165ha Hagley Park is a world renowned gem, set aside by visionary city forefathers in the 1850's as an area for recreation, sport and entertainment in the vein of Central Park in New York. It acts as the City's lungs and is a wonderful resource for lunchtime exercise for locals or visitors. A standard run around the perimeter is short enough to easily fit into a lunch hour, but also holds plenty for visiting people.

You can easily extend the distance of this one with a "Figure 8" of North and South Hagley (also a trail directory guide) in fact its possible to find a marathon distance of trails without backtracking on the same bit of path.

The Hagley perimeter gives you a great chance to test your speedwork, or simply amble around and enjoy the greenspace.

Hagley Park
Avon River

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Best off street parking is around the Botanic Gardens off Armagh or Hagley Oval area (when no cricket is on)

1 km

3 minutes




Easy as, just stick to the edge of the park

Perfect throughout.


There are a couple of drinking fountains on the loop around the North Hagley side

Christchurch can be 35 degrees in summer and -5 in winter. Dress for the day accordingly

Watch out for bikes on the shared use sections, especially South Hagley around the netball courts

Take your pick of Christchurch cafes and eating establishments- new ones popping up all the time as we rebuild our city

Trail Legend

Heidi Su

Heidi Su

has completed Hagley Perimeter 42 times in the last year.

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Fastest Known Times (FKTs)

FKTs are for a single lap. If running multiple laps please record each as a separate Strava activity.

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Trail Reviews

Great trail and lovely scenery. I combined it with the Figure 8 as a great longer city run.

Lindy Purdy

July 7, 2023

Nice and accessible, but the trade off is 100% asphalt paths.

Brion Matthews

July 14, 2021

Nice flat loop around the park. Now sealed the whole way, making it a good rainy day/wet ground option. Also good in winter in the dark as plenty of other people around, street lights, and cars driving pass. Easy to add on other loops around the park if you need a longer run.

Heidi Su

January 17, 2021

Perfect for a flat, cruisy lunch-time run. Always plenty of other runners around so has a good vibe.

Stefanie Parks

November 1, 2020

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Overlapping Trails

These overlap with this trail to some degree. You may wish to combine them but please note that to qualify for FKTs on these runs you should record a separate activity for each.

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