Last Updated: 6th Jan 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done

Mt Pleasant Elevator

Christchurch, Canterbury

Submitted by Isobel Stout

Last Updated: 6th Jan 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done


Grunt Factor: 17 ?

Gnarl Factor: 39 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe


Very hilly

Dog Friendly

Native bush

Open tussock/grasslands


Run Makeup


Sealed Road

Gravel Road

Farm Road / 4WD Track

Moderate Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +8.4%

Average Downhill Gradient: -11.5%

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Non stop climbing from the very beginning until you reach the Mt Pleasant Trig. This route is very straightforward, just follow your nose and keep going up. You'll need to cross the Summit Rd at the stile leaving the John Brittan Reserve and look for Broadleaf Lane to your left so you can keep going up.

Take in the views and then head downhill on the shared MTB track that starts beside the main building. You can take in the gun emplacements on a wee detour where the track reaches a clear signposted junction or just keep going down on the 4WD road.

Cross the Summit Rd again and head downhill to the right and cross the stile on your left where there is a large carparking area on the bend in the road. Keep going down! Watch out for the sign showing the start of the Eastenders Track on your left. Finally some grassy flats alongside the playing fields of Barnett Park. Left along Main Rd then left into McCormacks Bay Rd and left into Glenstrae and the start point.

This trail includes the peak Mount Pleasant.

Intensive replanting of natives in Glenstrae reserve. Great views from the tops!

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Parking on the street

9 km

16 minutes




Perfect throughout.

Long-sleeved thermal top, Windproof jacket, Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone

There's drinking water at Barnett Park and there is a supermarket and a dairy along Main Rd in Redcliffs.

Muddy in places after rain, but generally good footing. The tops are very exposed to all winds.

Redcliffs Dairy
Main Rd
BIG icecreams at a very reasonable price!

Trail Legend

Tony Sharpe

Tony Sharpe

has completed Mt Pleasant Elevator twice in the last year.

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Trail Reviews

Nice loop. Agree with Matt - the best bits were Drayton Reserve and Eastenders Track. Was confused a bit at the odd out and back near the WW2 memorials. Didn't particularly enjoy the road sections which were a bit too much road for me, but overall nice. Giving it three stars only due to the fact that I enjoy less road and more bush clad forest terrain as opposed to farmland.

Stewie Stuart

November 11

Really nice loop. I'd been through all of the areas before but never linked them up. Great sea views to the North & Harbour views to the South.

Katie Ridley

July 11, 2021

A really cool loop. I’d never been through Drayton Reserve nor Barnett Park so nice to learn some new tracks. Low cloud and very strong wind at the top today so didn’t hang around to take photos but it would be stunning on a clear day.

Stefanie Parks

February 14, 2021

Loved the start of the ascent (Drayton Reserve - lots of character) and end of the descent (Eastenders Track - felt somehow very Kiwi). Loved the tops too -- on a foggy autumn afternoon I had the whole place to myself and it felt like I was running through the sky! Don't get me wrong, usually I like views, but the cold foggy windy tops were a special treat today.Didn't care for the middle of the ascent and the middle of the descent, or the flats at the end... too much road... but really enjoyed it overall.

Matt Halverson

May 9, 2020

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