Last Updated: 2nd Oct 2024


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The Giants of Geraldine

Geraldine, Canterbury

Submitted by Tony Sharpe

Last Updated: 2nd Oct 2024


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I've done it Done


Grunt Factor: 7 ?

Gnarl Factor: 30 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe


Undulating, small hills only

Dog Friendly

Native bush

Plantation/exotic forest

Run Makeup


Easy Single Track

Moderate Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +7.1%

Average Downhill Gradient: -8.0%

Garmin Course

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Estimated Times to Run







This is an awesome wee loop in the amazing Talbot Forest and surrounds. Neat little network of tracks in here.

Grab the Matai Track entrance at the intersection of Tripp and Bridge St and plug your way up the trail past some impressive stands of forest. Follow this trail right through to Totara Street where you will cross and pick up the start of the Kahikatea Track. Follow the uphill section of this until you reach the road end up by Pye Rd.

From Pye Rd swing around onto Riddels Track, which is shared use for mountainbiking also. Follow Riddels through plantation forests around down the gully and up the other side until you join Pekapeka St. Cross this road and get onto the Pekapeka Track which will loop you around and onto the top end of Hislop St. Again cross the road and follow the Kahikatea Track though another stretch of wonderful native forest. Some trees here are 80m high. Then finally back onto the now familiar Matai St to return you quickly downhill to where you started.

Amazing native forest. Native bats at dusk. Birdlife

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Park up on Tripp Street by the Lions Reserve

1 km

1 minutes




If you get lost or take a wrong turn theres never too far to find a road back to town

Perfect throughout.

Windproof jacket, Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map

Fill up in town

All year round here

Tree roots and the odd treefall in the one section

Lots of places in Geralding to try

Trail Legend

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson

has completed The Giants of Geraldine 21 times in the last year.

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Trail Reviews

What a wonderful to break the journey. Enough to get the blood pumping, soak in some forest smells and be in awe of those trees.

Rebecca Sunderland

November 7, 2021

Loved the grand Totara trees and pine tree alley. GPX track on my Garmin helped me find the right path on a couple of occasions where it was easy to go awry.

John OConnell

December 3, 2020

Great wee network of trails and a lovely run. We did get a bit confused by some of the instructions as we often came to two different trails to choose from. Make sure when you “swing round” to Riddels track - you come slightly down the road then swing almost a 360 degree turn

Rachel Bridgewater

September 6, 2020

This one is a little gem. It's just a 2 min warm-up from the Asure Motor Lodge, and right on the back doorstep of town. In 5 short kms, this one has a surprising amount of variety - graveled paths, short sharp climbs, wide sweeping descents, sharp windy bits, and of course the native bush.Those trees! You really do need to slow down (or stop) and take in the massive totara. The last climb in the bush is made of a series of short flights of steps, formed by totara roots. Very cool! A few additional notes: 1. The first decent in the bush was surprisingly slippery. It was raining when I went out, but even under quite good canopy cover the steps, roots, and leaves were covered in a slick film. Take care out there! 2. I'm not stupid (quiet in the cheap seats!), but I did manage to take a couple of wrong turns. There are lots of side trails - both big and small - which has the bonus of lots more route options if you so desire. With some of the intersections its really obvious how to carry on, but some are poorly or not at all sign posted. For example, at the bottom of the gully if you find yourself on a dam-like structure you've made a wrong turn. Instead follow the white sign that says 'Baker Street'. 3. The time estimates are very generous. I am fairly a middling intermediate, and even running an extra km I was done in 34 mins. Bank the extra time and enjoy a second lap ;-)

Gabor Szikszai

February 4, 2020

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