Last Updated: 23rd Nov 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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Westmere Walkway & Mitipo Park

Last Updated: 23rd Nov 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done

Grunt Factor: 19 ?

Gnarl Factor: 47 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe


Undulating, some big hills

Native bush

Open farmlands

Run Makeup


Farm Road / 4WD Track

Easy Single Track

Moderate Single Track

Technical Single Track

Untracked / Route only

Average Uphill Gradient: +9.5%

Average Downhill Gradient: -9.2%

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Go through the gate to the left of SaveMart and make your way up the side of the building and straight down a farm track. At the end of the farm track there is a stile. Follow the farm track up the small hill and over the other side. You will come to another stile to cross. Climb the hill to your right once across.

The track is relatively unmarked for the next section but there are white poles to guide you up the hill. Follow your nose to where you can see the lookout point (there's another stile to cross just before it). Once at the lookout, follow the fence line along to top of the hill (initially) towards Matipo park. There will be a couple of stiles to cross or the gates will be open. Soon you will come to a short, steep downhill.

At the base, follow the signage and turn right to run along the farm track at the base of the hill. You'll pass a burial site on your left about halfway along. When you see the track begin to climb back up the hill, keep left and follow the creek until you come to a small, concrete bridge. Cross this bridge and follow the fence line (can be very swampy) about 100m until you come to a very steep ascent. There is the makings of a trail climbing this but at the top there is a stile to find.

Cross the fence and follow a short link single track (20m) until you come to a wider, 4wd track (Matipo loop). Follow this track uphill (clockwise). At the top of the park there are some unmarked mountain bike trails which start from the main loop just before it starts to drop back downhill. Stay on the wider track and make your way down until you come to the railway line. Cross the track and run alongside for about 100m, then find the track heading back into the trees.

When you come to a usually boggy fork in the track, the hill to the left will take you back to the entrance you came in (and subsequent loops if you choose), or do a loop of the creek running through the middle of the park. Once back on the farmland you came in on, run the farm track going up the hill that you passed just before crossing the concrete bridge. Follow the farm track along all the way back to where it loops back on the track you came in on. Run back down the track over the stile to the carpark.

Lookout over Whanganui. Possible views of Mt Ruapehu.

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Parking available

3 km

5 minutes




When on the farmland, look for the tall, white fence poles.
Matipo park is not very big and all trails end up down at the base by the railway line.

Generally good.

Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map

None available

Very muddy after rain and throughout winter.

Stock on farmland sections. Generally beef cows and bulls.

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Trail Reviews

A trail of two halves- first part through farmland (curious cows and lots of divots) then into swampy bush and waist high grass. I found large segments of the trail not runnable due to long grass and very rutted ground making for a few rubber ankle moments. It was not well marked in places. Large patches of cutty grass I had to bush bash past.

Aimee Francois

January 20, 2024

Great ankle work out

Jeffrey Smith

January 2, 2022

Great run to extend your hill capability but very muddy in the Matipo section. Lovely views back to Whanganui and parts of the awa.

Karl Zimmerman

June 2, 2021

Great on a nice day, mud bath if there has been rain. Be very careful coming back down the middle track around the creek on the second loop as long grass obscures many possible ankle breaking holes. I didn't even consider running this section. Nearly twisted my ankles multiple times just walking down. Keep your eyes peeled for mountain bikers. Tip - When you reach the top of Matipo loop and start heading back down turn left not right. A right turn will loop you back up to the top, left takes you down an awesome track to the railway tracks and back to the start of the loop.

Julie Wilson

March 17, 2021

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