Last Updated: 8th Mar 2024


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Rocky Point Trail Run

Kawatiri Coastal Trail

Cape Foulwind, West Coast

Submitted by Stewie Stuart

Last Updated: 8th Mar 2024


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Grunt Factor: 20 ?

Gnarl Factor: 9 ?







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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe

Point to Point (one way)

Totally/mostly flat

Native bush



Open farmlands

Run Makeup


Sealed Road

Easy Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +2.1%

Average Downhill Gradient: -2.1%


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Estimated Times to Run







This is the official trail of the The Kawatiri Coastal Trail Rocky Point Run which is a trail running race that is held in October each year. It utilises recently opened sections of the stunning Kawatiri Coastal Trail, and takes you on a scenic journey from Tauranga Bay to Westport before double backing back to Carters Beach.

While generally “flat” there are two climbs up out of the Seal Colony car park. The first (1km into the run) is around 800m long with 43m elevation, followed (quite quickly) by a short 100m section with 10m elevation gain.

The trail itself is a well-groomed cycle trail – mostly 2+ metres wide. The Millennium Track at the Buller Bridge is mostly narrow, compacted sand with the odd tree-root here and there. The run starts at the Tauranga Bay domain on the Kawatiri Coastal Trail (KCT). Leaving the domain, you will follow the KCT north to the Tauranga Bay Seal Colony carpark. Do not go up the seal colony, continue along the footpath and onto the KCT through to Lighthouse Road.

From there, you will follow the KCT through to the Omau Domain, across SH 67 to the old Holcim haul road. At the bottom of the Holcim Hill, you will cross SH67 again, back onto the KCT and through to the Carters Beach Domain before crossing Golf Links Road and Schadick Avenue. At the end of the KCT, run across the Buller Bridge (on the barriered walkway), turn left at the end of the bridge and follow the trail down into the Buller Bridge carpark.

Follow a semi marked trail to the start of the Millennium Track (to the north of the bridge) then run on the outer track alongside the Buller River. Continue along the ''inland" Millennium Track, which you will then follow back to the Buller Bridge retracing your steps back out to the Carters Beach Domain where you will end your fun and fast adventure.

If you are staying in Westport, you can cut the run short by finishing at the end of the Millenium Track, cutting the run short by about 5km.

Beautiful sections of wetlands from Carters Beach to Westport.

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Taking 2 cars you can leave one car at Carters Beach where the run ends and drive to Tauranga Bay Domain to start the run. Alternatively you can always convince a friend or family member to drop you off at Tauranga Bay.

4 km

5 minutes




Ensure that you don't run up the seal colony DOC track within the first 5 - 10 minutes on the run but continue along the Kawatiri Coastal Trail. The millennium track has a lot of odd side trails so it is easy to get lost in this section.


Windproof jacket, Gloves, Beanie/thermal headwear, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map

Drinking water available at Carters Beach Domain.

Can be exposed to cold winds in some areas.

Donaldos Cafe, Bar & Restaurant
Carters Beach
Rolled Icecream, Coffee, Drinks, Restaurant Meals and Fish & Chips.

Trail Legend

Stewie Stuart

Stewie Stuart

has completed Rocky Point Trail Run once in the last year.

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Overlapping Trails

These overlap with this trail to some degree. You may wish to combine them but please note that to qualify for FKTs on these runs you should record a separate activity for each.

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Carters Beach to Kawatiri River

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